Ukrainian Pacifist Movement in Kyiv protested against cruelties of conscription
Peace activists picketed Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and President’s Office demanding to stop hunting for conscripts and inhuman treatment in military commissariats.
►Liberal Newspaper
Peace activists picketed Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and President’s Office demanding to stop hunting for conscripts and inhuman treatment in military commissariats.
►Cruel hunting for draftees at the streets is a common practice of brutal enforcement of conscription in Ukraine. Conscientious objection is practically forbidden.
►There are 1,4 million IDP citizens of Ukraine, only near 47 thousand of them or 3% are partly allowed to participate in the parliamentary elections on 21 July 2019 because of bureaucratic complications.
►Almost all politicians are incapable to propose people participation in open-minded decision making and sincere conversation. Instead, they spread meaningless propaganda and manipulate the electoral process
►She wrote it in the letter to the editor.
►Shady politics, conflicts of interests and austerity measures make European Court of Human Rights practically incapable
►ECHR denies people in access to justice, camouflaging such disgraceful policy by unsubstantiated accusations of Ms. Tselovalnichenko in fraud and forgery
►Instead of improving own effectiveness and accountability, the Court seeks excuses to wave away 9 petitions of 10 and punishes lawyers for persistent petitioning.
►Language policy in Ukraine quickly shifts towards decline of traditional multilingualism and promotion of strong linguistic territoriality with mandatory use of the Ukrainian as official language in all spheres of public life.
►The report covers near hundred problems of human rights crisis in Ukraine